ロバート・ウォルターズ ブライトマッチ USCPA/米国公認会計士 国際資格 アビタス machicon JAPAN

Recommended Hotspring in Tokyo, hot dating spot


Hi everyone, this is Sota writing, easy peasy lemon squeezy,I am Japaneseyyyyyyy


Made in Ohio

ooops, sorry I went to the worng direction from JOJO to Satoyu , which is the sourse of “made in ohio“.
You don’t know What I mean?
you should check this video out, crazy ticktoker named “SATOYU”.
He is so Funnny.

Woops, always I am off track.

Today, I’m gonna intoduce a famouse hotspring in Tokyo, Japan.

Have you ever been to any hot spring here in Tokyo, Japan? No?

Since the foreign currency like USD, EUR, UK pond is stong against Japanese YEN、you must consider visiting Japan, expecially Tokyo. Then,there is a hot spot you shoud check out.
The place is Spa LaQua

ラクーア - LaQua

Here is the web site, you could understand what this place is for sure.
It is a healing spot where you can feel comfotable and relaxed .

Hot spring(Onsen) with Sauna

There is no picture available, because I cannot take any picture at the bath
But, you may find some pictures and get some impression how it looks like via link above.
There are sever types of baths inside the buliding and its’ outside.
We call the outside bath “Roten Buro”. You can soak in a bath and feel the outside atomosphere like wind, fresh air, which is really awesome:)

After enjoy bathing, you can also get into some kinds of Sauna:Hot type, really hot type, mist one.
Taking a bath→entering into a Sauna;This process makes you really relaxed.

Here is the picture of Roten buro, at Spa LaQua


If you are a Sauna lover, you could be “Totonou”, doing the follwoing sets 3 times: Entering Sauna for 5-10minutes→Soaking in the cold water 1-2minutes→cool down on a chair for a couple of minutes.

  1. Getting hot in Sauna

2. Dive into cold water

3. cool down on a chair for a couple of minutes.

This process makes you “Totonou” , kind of ecstacy:)

To be honest, I don’t like soarking myself in the cold water, I cannot be “Totonou”, but You may try lol, because it is super cold, so not possible for me.
Other Japanese people who experienced “Totonou” say it is a great/wonderful time.

Bedrock Bath area on 7th floor

There are special unique floors for Bedrock bath.
The place costs extra fee but, when you go there, you’ll be suprised at how much you can feel relaxed.

This is the outside view from the place, but to be hosest I don’t understand why I take this pic (OMG), this gives nothing,,,,

An exciting Roller coatster is over there.
If you are intersted in the ride, you may go to Tokyo dorm city(amusement park) to have a fun on the coaster. When I was 19 or 20 year old, I rode on and enjoyed it. It is really cool:)

Going back to the main subject.
To enter the floors (Japanese Ganbanyoku(=Bedrock bathing)), it cost additonal fee around 1,000JPY, but it is valulable to pay.

Here is the entrance of the 7th floor.
You can come to this area from the changing room.

You can get comfortable on soft sofas outside on this floor, feeling breezing & cooling down. This kind of place is the best to chill out.

Bedrock Bath area on 7th floor

The bedrock area is spread over the two floors(7th and 8th).

You will see several types of cooling & warming rooms.
For example, the room above is a cooing place if I remeber correctly.
And the room below is one of the Bedrcok rooms.

Here is a sleeping zone.
you can use your smart phone, lying on a soft floor and hung around.

Soft sofas are here as well.

you can buy and enjoy the smoothie!!!
yeah, this is a fantastic drink.

This is another room you could chill out.

this room looks pretty cool, isn’t it?

there is a also cafe here.
if you have something to eat, you may purchase it here.


This is one of the most recommended places you shoud go when you come to Tokyo.
If you like bathing, hot spring, chilling out, please check this out.

ヒーリング バーデ | スパ ラクーア - Spa LaQua | ラクーア - LaQua
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