USCPA/米国公認会計士 国際資格 アビタス

都内でおすすめのおでん居酒屋 ミシュラン取得のかま田に行ってきた@新橋



新橋 かま田 (新橋/おでん)
★★★☆☆3.58 ■予算(夜):¥5,000~¥5,999







順番に写真を掲載していくうううう  そして簡潔に感想を述べていくううううう












You will see the Oden description below.

Oden is a traditional Japanese winter dish characterized by a variety of ingredients simmered in a flavorful broth. It is a warm and comforting one-pot dish that is often enjoyed during the colder months. The dish consists of a mix of ingredients that are slowly cooked in a seasoned broth, resulting in a rich and savory flavor profile.

Ingredients: Oden typically features a selection of ingredients, which can include daikon radish, konnyaku (a jelly-like food made from konjac), boiled eggs, fish cakes (such as chikuwa and kamaboko), tofu, and various types of vegetables. These ingredients are simmered in a broth made from ingredients like kombu (seaweed) and dried bonito flakes to infuse them with the delicious umami flavors of the broth.

Broth (Dashi): The key to Oden’s deliciousness lies in the broth, known as “dashi.” Dashi is the base stock used in many Japanese dishes and is typically made by simmering ingredients like kombu (kelp) and katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes). This broth is the foundation of Oden’s flavor and imparts a rich, savory taste to the ingredients.

Cooking Process: Oden is made by first preparing the ingredients, which are then skewered or placed in a simmering pot of dashi. The ingredients are gently simmered until they become tender and absorb the flavors of the broth. Over time, the ingredients take on the characteristics of the broth, resulting in a harmonious blend of tastes.

Serving: Oden is often served in a communal pot or individual bowls. It is customary to offer various condiments like karashi (Japanese mustard) or a special dipping sauce to enhance the flavors. The dish is enjoyed with rice or other side dishes, and its warm and hearty nature makes it a popular choice for gatherings with family and friends.

Seasonality and Culture: Oden is especially popular during the colder months in Japan, providing comfort and warmth during the winter season. It is a traditional dish enjoyed in homes, as well as at street food stalls, izakayas (Japanese pubs), and convenience stores. Oden’s popularity is not only due to its delicious taste but also its association with a sense of togetherness and nostalgia for many Japanese people.

In summary, Oden is a classic Japanese winter dish known for its simmered ingredients in a flavorful broth. It offers a delightful blend of textures and flavors, making it a beloved comfort food in Japanese cuisine.

Chat GPT says the following, but this restaurant is nominated by Michelin guide:)

“As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, oden, being a humble and traditional Japanese comfort food, is not typically associated with Michelin stars. The Michelin Guide primarily focuses on higher-end restaurants and fine dining establishments that excel in culinary creativity, technique, and presentation.

While oden may not typically receive Michelin stars, it remains a beloved dish in Japanese cuisine, appreciated for its simplicity, heartiness, and comforting flavors. Oden is commonly found in casual eateries, izakayas (Japanese pubs), and local food stalls throughout Japan, where people enjoy it for its warmth and the sense of tradition it brings.

If you are looking for Michelin-starred dining experiences in Japan, you may want to explore restaurants that specialize in other types of cuisine, such as kaiseki (traditional Japanese multi-course meal), sushi, tempura, or French cuisine, which are more commonly recognized in the Michelin Guide. However, please note that the restaurant scene can change over time, and it’s always a good idea to check the most up-to-date information from the official Michelin Guide or reputable sources.”

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USCPA/米国公認会計士 国際資格 アビタス

