USCPA/米国公認会計士 国際資格 アビタス

軽井沢の川上庵が一番美味しいそば説 ~デートにもおすすめのレストラン~



では、食レポです( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


軽井沢 川上庵 本店 (軽井沢/そば)
★★★☆☆3.70 ■石臼挽きの蕎麦と、気の利いた酒肴、豊富な美酒の三拍子が揃う名店 ■予算(夜):¥3,000~¥3,999



僕の人生においてナンバー1の座に君臨してます( ´ ▽ ` )ノ






軽井沢に訪問した際は、軽井沢アウトレットのついでにぜひ立ち寄ってみてください( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


[143rd day of unemployment]

Now, here is the food report ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Today I went to Kawakami-an in Karuizawa!

When I was a company employee
I often take long vacations around Obon.
For the past 2-3 years, my family and I have made it a routine in the summer to eat soba at Kawakami-an in Karuizawa.

This year I am an unemployed man who is living in the children’s room in the parent’s house ,so called “children’s room’s adult” so I decided to go early (July)🥺

And the soba here is really delicious!
It reigns as number one in my life ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

In the first place, young people don’t really like eating soba, do they? 🥺
(In my mind, I imagine older people eating this)

However, this soba restaurant is also popular with young people.

Soba noodles are chewy and very filling.
The soup has a strong flavor, but it’s not too strong.
The tempura is crispy and you can taste the flavor of the ingredients.

The interior has an open feel and is stylish.
There is also a terrace seat, and the terrace seat is a divine spec that you can bring your dog too🥺

It has become the ultimate soba restaurant that everyone can enjoy, young and old, couples, families, grandparents, etc. (lol)

When you visit Karuizawa, be sure to stop by while you are at Karuizawa Outlet ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Well then, that’s it for today!


*What is Obon?

Obon (お盆) is a traditional Japanese Buddhist event that commemorates one’s ancestors. It is a significant and widely observed festival in Japan and other parts of East Asia. The festival typically takes place in mid-August and involves various rituals, customs, and festivities.

Here are key aspects of Obon:

  1. Origin and Significance:
    • Obon has its roots in Buddhism and is based on the story of Mokuren (Maudgalyayana), one of Buddha’s disciples who had a vision of his deceased mother during the seventh month of the lunar calendar. He discovered that she was suffering in the afterlife and sought Buddha’s guidance to help her. Buddha advised him to make offerings to the monks, which relieved his mother’s suffering. Thus, Obon became a time to honor ancestors and alleviate their suffering in the afterlife.
  2. Duration:
    • Obon typically lasts for three days, known as “Obon-san” or “Obon period.” The specific dates can vary depending on the region in Japan, but it usually falls between August 13 to 16.
  3. Rituals and Customs:
    • During Obon, families visit gravesites to clean and decorate the graves of their ancestors. Offerings of food, flowers, and incense are made to honor and remember the deceased.
    • Bon Odori, traditional Japanese folk dances, are performed during Obon festivals. People dance in groups to traditional music to welcome the spirits of their ancestors.
    • Floating lanterns or “toro nagashi” are set afloat on rivers, symbolizing the guidance of spirits back to the afterlife at the end of the festival.
  4. Community Celebrations:
    • Obon festivals are held across Japan, and many communities organize various events such as taiko drum performances, street parades, games, food stalls, and more.
    • These festivals often bring communities together and provide an opportunity for socializing and enjoying traditional festivities.
  5. Modern Observance:
    • In modern times, Obon is not only a religious event but also a time for family reunions and vacations. Many people take time off work to return to their hometowns and spend time with their families.

Obon holds deep cultural and spiritual significance in Japan, honoring ancestors and promoting a sense of community and family bonds. It’s a time for reflection, remembrance, and togetherness.

スタディサプリEnglish コーチングプラン 資格の学校TAC 資格の学校TAC スタディサプリ ENGLISH
USCPA/米国公認会計士 国際資格 アビタス

